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While I was casually browsing the tea aisle at my local store, I couldn't help but notice the explosion of colors and patterns on all the tea packages. It felt nothing like the cozy, soul-warming experience I associate with tea. It was during this moment that I got the idea for my bachelor's project in graphic design. Let me introduce you to Âme et Thé, where the essence lies in the art of storytelling around the tea-drinking experience.

Âme et Thé isn't your ordinary tea brand; it's designed to tell a story about the tea-drinking experience, whether you're shopping in your local store or enjoying your favorite blend at home.

Our main goal? To make sure every part of our brand reflects the unique experience you have with tea while also paying tribute to the timeless traditions of tea.

Creative and Art Direction, Visual Identity, Packaging, Web Design, Print, Photography, Custom Ceramics

Eventually, I settled on blending a robust sans-serif font with an elegant italic serif font. To infuse a touch of humanity and artisanal flair into the logo, I incorporated hand-drawn apostrophes.

I started off this project by creating a logo. Right from the start, I had three distinct options in mind: an organic ligature font, a sleek and minimalist font, or a hand-drawn logo.



I created a survey featuring open-ended questions related to the tea-drinking experience. One of the most intriguing discoveries was that factors such as gender, age, the time of day, or the type of tea had no significant impact on the overall sensation. Instead, participants consistently described their preferred weather conditions when enjoying tea and how it influenced their experience. This insight inspired the creation of three distinct teas: Nuage (cloud), Pluie (rain), and Soleil (sun), each capturing the essence of different weather moods.

I designed three distinct packaging options: a can, a carton, and a refill bag. The cartons are meant to serve as elegant gift packaging, while the handcrafted cans, though pricier, are designed for long-term use and can be refilled using the refill bags.